Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Are you stymied because you’re spending too much time trying to defend and extend your old poetry in the face of game changing trends?

In reading a Forbes Article on the indisputable fact that Jeff Bezos is a rockstar, the end caught my attention:

"Don’t ask customers what they want, instead give them what they need.  Customers may be on a trend, but they will frame their requests in the old paradigm.  By creating new trend-promoting products and solutions you can capture the customer and avoid head-to-head competition with the “old guard” titans selling the increasingly outdated solutions.  Don’t build better brick-and-mortar, make brick-and-mortar obsolete.

So, what’s stopping you from growing your business like Apple or Amazon?  What keeps you from being the next Steve Jobs, or Jeff Bezos?  Can you spot trends and provide trend-supporting solutions for customers?  Or are you stymied because you’re spending too much time trying to defend and extend your old business in the face of game changing trends."
How do we artists answer this call? How long can we ignore webcomics and video delivery of literature?

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